REQUEST a trip

The 2024-25 application period is now closed. 

Trip Request Form - Closed

Trip requests received during the open application period are used to fill slots throughout the year.  We will begin to schedule Fall 2024 programs in the summer and Spring 2025 programs in the winter. The 2025-26 trip request form will open in May 2025. Visit the Trip Planning page for more information.

Trip Selection Process

Please note that this is not a first-come, first-served application process.

We prioritize schools that…
1. Meet our current grant requirements
2. Are located in Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties
3. Meet the 50% or greater “Socioeconomically Disadvantaged’ subgroup on the California School Dashboard
4. If applicable, completed a Student Action Project the previous academic year 

As you plan your curriculum for the next school year, we encourage you to utilize the OSO teacher packet for a more in-depth educational experience. The OSO curriculum is also available at no cost from our website year-round!


If you are a 4th-6th grade or special education teacher interested in receiving O’Neill Sea Odyssey news and information, please sign up to be on our teacher email list.